I want to know your views on the consultation around Horseley Heath

I’ve been working to improve the connectivity of Tipton since being elected and I’m pleased the town has received funding from Government for improvements along the A461 which runs from Great Bridge Island up to Burnt Tree past Dudley Port.

The council want to install new crossing facilities but also want to widen footpaths and upgrade cycle roads which will narrow the road.

This directly impacts congestion around Great Bridge Island so I need your views to ensure I’m putting a representative statement forward as part of the consultation process.

I’ll be submitting my statement later on this week but first I need you to fill out this short survey here.


  • Current A461 - Horseley Heath
  • Making sure this survey is representative!
  • Get involved
  • Your details
Have you heard about the Council's Active Travel Plan around Horseley Heath?
How significant of an issue do you think congestion is as an issue around Great Bridge Island and Horseley Heath?
Which of these measures would you like to see introduced along Horseley Heath?
Do you support Sandwell Council's plan to narrow the road around Horseley Heath to accommodate cycle paths?
Questions Very important Important Not important